Title: Twitters, Giggles, and Purrs Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Batman Character/Pairing: Batman/Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn Rating: PG/K+ Challenge: #113: Twitter Warning(s): None Word Count: 457 Summary: ( He's going to pay this time. )
Working Title: Waiting For the Right One Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Batman Character/Pairing: Bats/Cats, Joker/Harley Rating: PG-13/T Challenge: #93: Backstab Warning(s): None Word Count: 543 Summary: ( They're both waiting for the right one to come. )
Title: Just a Joke Author: I_llbedammned Fandom: Batman Characters/Pairing: The Joker/Harley Quinn Rating: PG Warnings: Violence, but not graphic Challenge: #41: Ice Cream Word Count: 500
Title: Creamy Center Fandom: DC Comics Character(s)/Pairing(s): Selina Kyle/Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy Rating: M Word count: 328 Challenge: #008 very bad ideas